Våren har kommit ovanligt tidigt till Falköping i år, ca 1 månad tidigare än tidigare år...GÖTT...!
Man kan riktigt se att det "spritter" i klubb medlemmarnas ben!! vi har flugit i princip varje dag sedan Mars månads början....antingen ute vid klubbfältet eller uppe på Ållebergs hangen.....
T.o.m jag har varit ovanligt flyg-flitig......dessvärre har det varit lite "off" i bygglokalen för mig då jag varit på skidsemester, varit influensa däckat och att jag byter kök i dotterns sommarstuga...som nu börjar ta form o. snart är färdigt....väntar bara på diskhon så att vvs:en kan bli inkopplat....blir förhoppningsvis till påsk.
Idag blir det en tur till Bilprovningen o. det räknar jag med att det skall gå bra....och sedan är det bara ca 3v. kvar till klubbens årliga Skåne Kusthang läger......
/ Spring is about one month earlier this year than the past years so the club members have been really "at it" that is flying of course, dude...!!
I have also been out there flying quite a lot, last time together with 3 Cranes and that is so chearful. It seems that they enjoy it as much as I do....so thats good. Otherwise I´ve been quite busy after my ski holidays in Italy and after one weeks of sicknes (the mean flu) and on top of all that I´m installing a brand new kitchen in my daugthers sommer cottage, which is now coming to an end....so then....after that I will hopefully continue to build on my Stearman project. Which by the way is also reaching its peak point, the paint jobb. Just have to give the body a layer of coating and then paint!! So who nows, it might be finished this sommer....that is if my wife doesn´t come upp with another dozen new projects....!!! as she always does!!!
Svenne overlooking the pit stop... |
Here Iám with my pimped Fun Cub before take off |
David flying his Blade chopper |
the kitchen kaos before installation... |
and a couple of days later....almost complete, only missing the doors and tiles...